Caden Hall embarked on his journey to become a welder two years ago, during his junior year at Arkansas High School. His decision to enroll in the welding program at the University of Arkansas Hope-Texarkana Secondary Career and Technical Education Center was a turning point in his career journey. Hall earned a Technical Certificate in Welding before graduating high school, making him workforce-ready upon graduation in 2024. … Reflecting on his experience, Hall shared, “The UAHT Career Center offers an exceptional welding program for students interested in mastering the trade.
Like all the seniors this year, I started my high school career at Pleasant Grove during the pandemic. Making friends in masks and walking in one direction throughout the entire school while social distancing was tough. And I had other trials, too. Family members who passed and friends who came and went. But when I think back on my time, there are some special moments that stand out. … I thought about the perfect prank, one that was innocent enough but would make the perfect amount of raucous and fun. The summer before my senior year, I met with my favorite counselor to lay plans.