Life & Style


“Dust and ashes touch our face, mark our failure and our longing...” These are the beginning lyrics to a song we will sing tomorrow at St. Edwards Catholic Church. Lent, one of my favorite seasons of the church year is about to begin, and as I often do with other events and holy days of the Catholic Church calendar, I recall song lyrics!

Hannah and Dylan Martin Wedding

Q. How did you meet? … A. Dylan and I met at a church retreat in 2013. It took us a few years to get in contact with each other and officially start dating, but I had a major crush right from the start! … Q. What drew you to each other? … A. Once Dylan and I really started getting to know each other, I loved how genuine he was. He’s one of the most thoughtful and nicest people I’ve met; and that’s what really drew me to him. As our relationship progressed, we realized we both shared the same morals and values, and we each had big plans for our future.

“I Have a Dream”

Trinity Lomelino … In Martin Luther King’s “I Have a Dream” speech, the statement that stood out to me the most is, “With this faith, we will be able to work together, to pray together, to struggle together, to go to jail together, to stand up for freedom together, knowing that we will be free one day.” This quote means that one day there will be hope for various skin colors to be able to be together: together at work, together in school, and together in standing up for what’s right.

Bougie Grubs Sangria Chicken

Here is a quick, simple and yummy twist on baked chicken.


… • chicken thighs seasoned with black pepper and sea salt … • 1 tbsp of unsalted butter … • 6 slices of thick-cut bacon cut into pieces … • 1/2 of red onion, sliced … • 1/2 of sweet onion. sliced … • 1 tbsp of minced garlic … • 2 cups baby carrots … • 2 cups of Sangria (I used Members Mark brand) • 1 tbsp of dried rosemary … • 1 orange, sliced ( blood or regular)


… • Preheat oven at 375°. • Melt butter in a dutch oven on medium heat. • Brown chicken on both sides for 3 minutes, skin side first.

Trena and Cade Vanderhoeven Wedding

Q. How did you meet? … A. We met in college through a mutual friend who was also a part of our wedding party! … Q. What drew you to each other? … A. It was instant attraction between the two of us, but we also believe it was the mutual respect for our talent as musicians. Cade sings and plays bass guitar and I play the trumpet and sing as well. … Q. Tell us about the proposal. … A. We both committed to moving across the country together. However, I moved first because of my job. Cade came a month later, after he was able to transfer from his job.

Erin and Josh Cole Wedding

Q. How did you meet? … A. We met in high school when Josh and his family moved to Texarkana from Ohio. … Q. What drew you to each other? … A. Josh says he was drawn to my southern charm, and I was drawn in by his calm demeanor and that he thought all of my weird jokes were hilarious. … Q. Tell us about the proposal. … A. Josh was doing yard work on a Monday night, and he started a fire outside. We love to sit around fires together, so he asked me to come outside and see it. I was reading a book in my sweatpants, so I almost said no, but I put on my muck boots and went outside.

Knowing and Doing Better

I feel largely inadequate and underqualified to write this month’s book review and honestly, I’ve struggled with my words. It is a special month and I want to make space for the voices who need to be heard. I’m not sure that is my voice, but February is National Black History Month. Each year during Black History Month, I exclusively read black authors and stories. There are many informative resources out there to teach us about the past and equip us with the tools and knowledge to strive for a more collaborative future together.

Remembering Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

Lucy Brown … Sixth Grade Student … Red Lick Middle School … In his “I Have a Dream Speech,” Martin Luther King, Jr. said, “I have a dream, that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.” Perhaps, if we fulfilled King’s wishfully, the world wouldn’t be as harsh anymore. Perhaps, we wouldn’t have racism for any race at all. Perhaps people wouldn’t slit their eyes at Asians or criticize people who are different from themselves. A man who definitely deserved it, Martin Luther King Jr.

Sadie and Baylor East Wedding

Q. How did you meet? … A. “Baylor and I first met when I moved to the Genoa Central School District when we were both in sixth grade. To say we’ve been in each other’s lives for a long time is an understatement. We mutually decided to try dating when we were in tenth grade and we’ve been together since then. Being with him has always been so easy and we fit into each other’s lives so well; there wasn’t a doubt in my mind that we were meant to last.” … Q. Who was in your wedding party and why? … A. “Our wedding party was full of people near and dear to us. Let’s start with the girls!

Trei and David Wells Wedding

Q. How did you meet? … A. “We met in 2015 through a mutual friend in Fayetteville, Arkansas! The first time we remember seeing each other is at a Wendy’s in town when David had red dreads and he says it was love at first sight... I didn’t really feel that way. Ha!” … Q. What drew you to each other? … A. “We started off as great friends, hanging out with the same group of people and just getting to know each other. David says he always had eyes for me, but the feeling wasn’t mutual, so we remained friends.

Showing: 191 to 200 of 379 (38 Pages)

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