PGMS Pole Vaulter Wins Junior Olympics All-American Honors

A Pleasant Grove Middle School student received top honors at the Junior Olympics in July. Elle Dunlap competed at the United States of America Track and Field Junior Olympics for pole vault and earned fifth place, which got the teen All-American honors.

Dunlap’s father and coach, Rich Dunlap, said the family found an old pole vault pit when Elle was completing third grade. “Pole vault is a progressive sport, so each year she progresses and she gets a little bit better. It’s been fun to watch her grow,” Rich said. “She trains at the Arkansas Vault Club and with Cass County Speed training.” Elle’s mother, Laurie Dunlap, said her daughter had to qualify for Junior Olympics at the Arkansas Association meet at Harding University and ended up getting first place. “You just hope she can do her best, and we just trust the Lord for what’s going to happen,” Laurie said. “We just keep doing our part to encourage her as she trains.”

Laurie said both of her daughters, Elle and Kate, are very committed to track and field practice and practice different aspects of the sport multiple days a week. Elle recalled her first time vaulting as a child, saying that she thinks she cleared about six feet in the air. “It’s really fun, just getting to run fast on the runway and jumping high in the air,” Elle said. “I’ve learned that strengthening my faith in God and trusting in God, he’ll get you through anything, and that’s just really taught me to trust in him.” Elle attributed her growth to her coaches, Morry Sanders, Steve Irwin, and Nick Miller. “(I hope to win a) state team championship for Pleasant Grove,”

Elle said. “I know other PG athletes are also working on distance, mid-distance, sprints, field events, hurdles, and I think you could put us together for a team state championship.” Elle said she is grateful for her teachers and coaches at Pleasant Grove for cheering her on during the summer. Her long-term goals are to earn a college scholarship for track and field, as well as academics. She said she hopes to one day compete in the Olympics.

Thank you to the Texarkana Gazette for generously sharing this story. Collaboration like this helps us come together to support our local Texarkana athletes.


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