Genoa Central High School Class of 2024 Top Ten

Genoa Central High School Class of 2024 Top Ten


Favorite Memory: My favorite memory is learning how to make cotton candy with Mrs. Leigh in 9th grade

Favorite Teacher: Mrs. Ditmore

Future Plans: I plan to attend college in the fall and pursue a degree in business.


Favorite Memory: During my sophomore year, the “Devious Licks” epidemic was sweeping the internet, so some of our fellow students had to participate. Although I didn’t participate, I found it extremely funny when I walked into the boy's bathroom, and there were no more dividers, sinks a few inches off the wall, and soap dispensers nowhere in sight.

Favorite Teacher: The most impactful teacher was definitely Mrs. Lindy Ditmore. She is truly one of the best teachers I’ve had the privilege to learn under. She was extremely organized and demanded 100% effort, but with that strictness, she loved her students unconditionally. I could not have asked for a better math teacher throughout my tenure at GCHS. If there was a hall of fame for the greatest teachers at GCHS, she would be at the top!

Future Plans: Now, as an official GCHS alumni member, I plan to further my education by attending UAHT for the first year to obtain my associate degree. From there, I will transfer to the University of Arkansas at Fayetteville to pursue a biology major and a chemistry minor. I plan on becoming a dentist, so I will transfer to the University of Oklahoma in Norman to achieve my Doctorate in the dental field.


Favorite Memory: I loved cheering on the dragons every Friday night under the lights.

Favorite Teacher: Mrs. Ditmore

Future Plans: I plan to attend UCA in the fall and pursue a degree in nursing.


Favorite Memory: My favorite memory from high school was definitely Mr. Steve’s birthday party.

Favorite Teacher: Mrs. Hyman

Future Plans: I plan to attend LaTech in the fall to pursue a degree in business. 


Favorite Memory: My favorite high school memories revolve around all the sports I played. Loading up on the bus and jamming out to music along the way, the team dinners that developed the best of friendships, the countless pranks we pulled on our coaches, and even the times we got to spend the night in hotels that ended up being the best sleepovers are all memories that will forever be held in my heart.

Favorite Teacher: I personally believe that every teacher I have ever had impacted me in some way, but the three whom I will miss the most are Mrs. Melodie Smith, Mrs. Lindy Ditmore, and Mrs. Courtney Morton simply because none of them ever made me feel dumb for not understanding, and went above and beyond to help me flourish, no matter the subject area. All three of these ladies were a tremendous blessing to me; leaving them was the hardest part of leaving high school. I could not possibly ever say thank you enough!

Future Plans: I plan to attend UAHT to complete my associate’s degree, then transfer to Southern Arkansas University, and later to Missouri to pursue a doctoral dental degree and one day obtain my dream career as an orthodontist.


Favorite Memory: Competing in the state marching contest in 2023 at War Memorial Stadium

Favorite Teacher: Mr. Chris Gray, GCHS Band Director

Future Plans: I plan to attend Southern Arkansas University in the fall.


Favorite Memory: My favorite high school memory is making flower crowns outside with my friends during lunch. The weather was a little cloudy, but it felt so nice outside. It was peaceful and something I wish I could go back to. Everything felt a little bit lighter.

Favorite Teacher: The most impactful teacher I had while attending Genoa was Mrs. Whitehead. She was someone I could talk to, and having her support made all the days a little easier. She’s genuinely a fantastic person, and I will miss her greatly. At ASMSA, I would say the most impactful teacher I had was Hollandsworth. He was a great mentor to me during my time as his capstone student, and like Mrs. Whitehead, he made all the days a little easier.

Future Plans: I don’t plan to follow a traditional college path because while I did great academically, I know it’s not really where I see myself going forward. I plan to find work, let myself flourish as an artist, and eventually transition to being a full-time artist in the future if I can find my footing.


Favorite Memory: My favorite high school memory is easily playing football under the lights every Friday night. 

Favorite Teacher: Kimberley Leigh is by far my favorite and most impactful teacher.

Future Plans: I plan to start my own lawn business now that I have graduated.


Favorite Memory: My favorite high school memory was probably our senior breakfast where we cooked breakfast in the parking lot.

Favorite Teacher:  Mrs. Ditmore

Future Plans: After graduation, I plan to participate in an electrical apprenticeship program and become an electrician.


Favorite Memory: My favorite memory from high school was the opportunity to do color guard with my older sister, Lindsey, during her senior year and my freshman year.

Favorite Teacher: My most impactful teacher was my art teacher, Mrs. McVay. I had her class every day for all four years of high school and the relationship that we were able to form is something that really means a lot to me and will stick with me forever. There has never been any doubt in my mind that she wasn’t there for me, that she didn’t support me, and that she didn’t care for me. Mrs. McVay was exactly the type of teacher I needed, and I will forever be grateful for her!

Future Plans: After graduation, I plan to stay in town and continue my coursework at UAHT, pursuing my degree in elementary education.


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