TXK 411

Leaves of 3, Let It Be.

Tips For Identifying Poison Ivy

  • Mitten-shaped side leaflets connect directly to main stem
  • Center leaflet is larger and has a longer stalk
  • Leaves are waxy green on the top
  • Grow in leaflets of three, never five
  • Grows as a vine, with no thorns
  • Woody, hairy vine climbs trees, utility poles, etc.
  • Leaves turn red, orange, or yellow in fall
  • The oil in dead or dying plants is still active
  • Produces white berries


Here are some essential tips on what NOT to do with poison ivy...

Do Not Touch It
Avoid direct contact with poison ivy, as its oil (urushiol) can cause severe skin reactions. Use tools and wear long sleeves, pants, and gloves.

Do Not Burn It
Burning poison ivy releases urushiol into the air, which can cause lung irritation or severe respiratory problems if inhaled.

Do Not Forget to Wash
After potential exposure, wash your skin with soap and water as soon as possible. Wash clothes and tools that may have come into contact with the plant.

Do Not Spread the Oil
Be aware that pets can carry urushiol on their fur. Clean your pets if they’ve been in an area with poison ivy.

Do Not Scratch
If you come into contact with poison ivy and develop a rash, avoid scratching. Scratching can lead to infection and spread the rash.

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