2022 is the Year!

I am a slob. My room is like a maze. That’s why I decided to change for my new year’s resolution. My room will sparkle more than a light bulb. Once I’m done, my room will gleam like a butterfly. I’ll get Clorox wipes to wipe the room, then I will use Febreze spray to make it smell nice.

I am an A/B Honor Roll student. I want to make A Honor Roll in the future. I will have to concentrate more than usual. If I reach my goal, I will be beyond average. 

My sister and I don’t really do anything around the house. I will dedicate myself to completing chores around the house. For example, I will help with laundry and the dishes. After I finish my chores, then I can enjoy free time. 

Trey Lockhart, Age 11

Dreams don’t come true, goals do. My goal for 2022 is to take the opportunity to compromise and get along with my brother. One way I could get along with my sibling is to not retaliate when he does something to me. I also should apply myself to not blame him for everything. I definitely shouldn’t speak behind my brother’s back. Blood is thicker than water to my brother and me.

If my actions inspire people to dream more, do more, or be more, I am a leader. One way I could be a leader is to teach someone something they don’t know. Another way I could be a leader is to be kind and not disrespectful. I also have to be responsible to people. If I do something wrong, I have to take responsibility and admit my faults. Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower. 

Most people live with bad habits, but my goal is to break those bad habits. The first bad habit I need to break is biting my nails. One way I could stop biting my nails is to get them out of my mind and not think about them. Another bad habit I need to break is ball-hogging. One way I could stop ball-hogging is to be on defense, so I can pass the ball up the field. The harder you work for something, the greater you feel when you achieve it!

Andrew Stuckey, Age 10

Are resolutions important? In my eyes, they are. Resolutions set a plan for your future and can keep you on track. Many people’s resolutions are eating healthy or exercising. Mine is keeping things clean and studying more. 

My house looks as dirty as a pigsty. Cleaning a random room each day will help me fulfill one of my resolutions. I can also inform my parents so that they can keep me on task. Additionally, doing the dishes and the laundry will help my house stay clean and organized. 

Learning never exhausts the mind. Studying more will help me achieve my goals. In order to study more, I will put down the fiction books and pick up the non-fiction books. Putting all electronics away will keep me from being distracted as well. You get what you work for, not what you wish for. 

Resolutions will keep your life more successful. If you accomplish your goals, more opportunities will come knocking. Successful people are not gifted; they work hard, then succeed on purpose. 

Marian Medley, Age 10


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