Opportunities, Inc. held its 32nd Annual Golf Invitational on September 12 and 13, 2021, at Texarkana Country Club featuring guest speaker and pro golfer Todd Hamilton and The Sounds of Joy Choir. Clay Roberts was the recipient of the 2021 David Pryor Award. This year's event was a huge success and all support enables Opportunities, Inc. to provide specialized services for individuals with disabilities.
Bill Roberts, Clay and Kim Roberts
Trish Reed and Jon Sheppard
David Magness and Todd Hamilton
Blake and Jessica Rich, Taylor DeBardeleben, Steven Harvey
Christian Ward, Joan Carter, Char Crane, Sherry Young
Sara Weber, Mel Walsh, Stephanie James, Christian Ward
Ron Copeland, Trevor Munn, Todd Hamilton, Benton Cater, Corey Jerry
Braxton Langdon, Robbie Cater, Brad Davis, Jason Ross, Sherry Young
Todd Hamilton and Robert Irwin
Joan Carter and Char Crane
Martha Norton, Judy Morgan, Sherry Young, Joan Carter