Jenna Ruhe

photo by Houston Evans
photo by Houston Evans

Jenna Ruhe is a realtor, renovator, and designer working in Northwest Arkansas. Jenna is the owner of ReJennaRation and loves taking ugly, run-down properties and transforming them into beautiful, comfortable, clean spaces that someone can be proud to own. Jenna has two girls, Vail and Winn, and has been married to her husband, Brandon, for 18 years. She lived in Texarkana for the formative years of 10-18 years old. Jenna loves to spend time with her family (who now all reside in Fayetteville), play tennis, and she enjoys making her 30-yearold home the most desirable place for her family to be!

What is your favorite Texarkana memory?

My husband proposed on the tennis court at Northridge Country Club. So, that’s a big one. Growing up, I loved kayaking with my dad at Bringle Lake and driving the shuffle and around town (getting lost!) with my best friend Blair.

Where was your favorite place to eat in Texarkana?

My dad worked downtown, so we would go down there to visit him and always ate at TLC. I also remember going to Applebees when we first moved there from LA in 1994. It didn’t seem like there were a ton of other options, so we went there all the time!

What was the teen hangout when you lived here?

The Ledwell cabin. Especially now as an adult, I realize how special it is with its wrap around screened-in porch and Betty’s recipes on the kitchen wall. We spent so many fun weekends having big bonfires, air boat rides in the bayou, four wheeling, and shooting skeet. It was a Texas teenage dream!

How do you describe Texarkana to your friends?

State Line is definitely always a talking point. Thankfully, many people in Fayetteville are from there and can relate. So, I never feel too far from home! And we can all agree what an amazing place it was to grow up.

Who is someone from Texarkana who impacted your life? Steve Ledwell. He is just one of the most generous people who always brings people together and makes time for everyone, no matter how busy he is. I remember thinking I wanted to be like that when I grew up!

Were you a Hawk, Leopard, Razorback, or Tiger?

Hawk! Sports dominated my high school years. I played a lot of volleyball and tennis. I loved the level of competition we had locally. Plus, I had some great coaches along the way: the Tarwaters, Melissa Daniels, and Amy Land. Friday night football games were the best, but I can’t remember a distinctive rival. I think I was more into the socializing and the “Hawk Blood” cheer with friends.

What do you love about Texarkana?

It was such a tightknit community. My parents’ friends worked together as a village to watch out for us and keep us all in line! I want that for my kids too. I remember getting in trouble one weekend and my parents made me wash all the doors in the house they were renovating across the street. It was punishment for sure but also may have been what got me started down this path!

What do you miss about Texarkana?

It’s just a nostalgic place for me. I definitely miss a lot of the people and running into someone we knew wherever we went. Also, there was a good party for everything!

What words do you live by?

My mom helped me discover I am an Enneagram 3—the achiever—so I struggle with always having to be busy or accomplishing something. I try to remind myself, “people over progress.” I know it’s the slow time with my kids or husband or family or friends that really will define my life, not how many houses I sell or renovate.

TXK Roots is Texarkana Magazine’s forum to highlight and honor Texarkana natives who have accomplished big things in the world. These folks may have relocated, but they took the values, education, work ethic and creativity instilled in them by growing up in this unique border city and used these qualities to blaze extraordinary trails. We asked them to share their thoughts about growing up here. No matter how far from Texarkana they may find themselves, we will always consider them our neighbors and we are proud to claim them as forever members of our extended Texarkana community. After all, “everyone is famous in their hometown!”

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