In the early hours of New Year’s Day 1969, as the world celebrated the dawn of a new year, one man embarked on a journey that would define his life, reshape his values, and inspire a deep commitment to his country. Meet Greg Beck, a United States Marine Corps (USMC) veteran whose story is a testament to duty, sacrifice, and unwavering patriotism. … For Beck, the decision to join the military was not one he took lightly. He felt an innate sense of duty and a debt to his nation that called him to service. “I owed America,” he reflects.
Every year during the holiday season, my mother-in-law reaches a frenzied state regarding gifts. From Black Friday shopping to Christmas morning, it is a nonstop race that makes us all forget the reason for the season. None of the rest of us care who bought the most expensive gifts or who spent more on decorations. Any way you can help me navigate this? … Thank you, … Miserable, not Merry … Dear Miserable, not Merry, … You are not alone in this epic battle. Here are a few examples I have found regarding this issue. … Black Friday: